I had a 2 day adventure in Höga Kusten in Sweden. I carried everything on my back: a 9kg backpack.
Covered 154.7km in 28h (walking+hiking), over tough tough terrain (boulder fields, rocks, tree roots, steep hills,…) But also with oh so beautiful views!
At the time I ran Höga Kusten, this was the hardest run I ever did. I still think of it as one of the most beautiful runs and a great adventure.
I didn’t wrote a report at the time, but posted on twitter about it (yes, I know).
Ik beleefde een 2 daags avontuur in Höga Kusten in Zweden. Ik had alles op mijn rug mee, 9kg rugzak.
— Teufen (@teufen) August 8, 2022
154.7km afgelegd in 28u (lopen+hiken), over stevig pittig terrein (keienvelden, rotsen, boomwortels, steile heuvels,...) Maar ook met o zo mooie zichten! pic.twitter.com/NFaAtUvlAX
Here are some images to give you a glimpse of why you should run or hike Höga Kustenleden! In between the images I’ve put some of the messages I sent to my family and friends at the moment. Those help to capture the mood I was in.
I carried: