Venntrilogie by OstBelgien is a relatively new long distance hiking route. It is permanently marked. The route starts at the three border point (B-NL-D), crosses Hertogenwald and other forests, and different moorlands in the Hoges Venn, loops through Eupen and Malmedy and finishes in Bütgenbach.
The total length is 109km, which makes it just about right for a long day out.
Trails à Godinne is an initiative of 3 runners. They offer 4 permanently marked trails in the Bocq Valley (B), all starting at the Godinne train station. To celebrate their 1st anniversary, they made an XXL version of their trails, available as a GPX.
When I read this, it was but a small step to decide I wanted to run it.
The first part of this year’s family holiday was a multiday hike! Our target region is Auvergne (France), where we started looking for good hiking paths combinable into a closed loop. My wife Mieke spotted a nice loop: Boucle de Sancy, grouping all the prerequisites: a closed loop, ~60km, marked path, nice views, mostly in nature.
Read on for a picture loaded report.
10th and 11th of August mark the culmination of the 2024 Olympics: the Marathon.
While I was planning my weekend on Friday, the thought came that I wanted to run a marathon this weekend. Out of respect for and as a tribute to all marathon runners.
That didn’t go as expected. 😅
AMT is a 85km race with 4000m of elevation gain (EG). If you reach the finish line within a cutoff time of 14 hours, you can opt to run an extra 20km with about 1000m of EG. It is my plan to reach that cutoff and continue for the extra 20km.
Plugging a hole in my long-term goal to run along the coast: from where I left the GR120 on 2023-10-21 to the end of the GR. And then a bit more until I’m home.
The Northern Traverse follows Alfred Wainwright’s Coast to Coast Walk, as he described it in his book. It guarantees hours of fun on a 300km course from Saint Bees at the Irish Sea, through 3 National Parks: Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors, to Robin Hood’s Bay on the shores of the North Sea.
As a last training for the Northern Traverse: a solo unsupported adventure with all my kit on my back.
100 miles, let’s be honest, it is the mythical distance every aspiring ultrarunner thinks about. Some months ago, I registered for what would ultimately be my first real 100 miles. I have run about the same distance before, but each time in a multiple day solo adventure setting. This would be a non stop race, quite a different ball park.
A two day adventure: running part of the GR120, supported and crewed by Mieke. With the weather being rather cold and wet, I slept in the car during the night.
I had a 2 day adventure in Höga Kusten in Sweden. I carried everything on my back: a 9kg backpack.
Covered 154.7km in 28h (running+hiking), over tough tough terrain (boulder fields, rocks, tree roots, steep hills,…) But also with oh so beautiful views!
Where it all started
Ik wil wel meer en regelmatiger lopen. Het zou en goed idee zijn om mezelf een doel te stellen dat niet makkelijk bereikbaar is, waar ik moeite voor moet doen. Ik weet het, ik word in september 42, de ideale leeftijd om een marathon te lopen. Ik begin regelmatiger te lopen.